HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: Missy: Beagle: 10 yrs old, female, tri-coloured - Smith Lake/Nineveh Area, New Germany, Lunenburg Co., NS
HAPPY ENDING: Home safe n’ sound after THREE WEEKS wondering the woods… AMAZING Senior Dog!! A wonderful Natural Resources woman found her last Wednesday and took care of Missy until she could be re-connected with her family this evening. And how did they connect… the owner was talking with people at work about her missing dog… spreading the word is the best way to get your lost dog home. However, Missy went above and beyond… this is just fantastic, wonderful, incredible… so happy!! Updated: Monday, August 15, 2011
LOST DOG: Lunenburg County/ New Germany/ Smith Lake – Nineveh area Female: BEAGLE – 10 years old. Name is Missy. She was wearing a red collar with paw prints. …