LOST DOGS: Bella: Lab Mix, black, 2 yrs old & Whistle: Golden Retreiver Mix, blonde, 1 yr old - New Glasgow/Greenhill Area, NS
Happy Ending: Both dogs are home safe n’ sound. Thanks to everyone that helped by spreading the word and doing what they could… fantastic!!!
2 LOST DOGS: New Glasgow/Greenhill area – missing 16/06 am. One is black her name is Bella, 2 years old, she has a white spot on her chest, not wearing a collar, and has a little bald spot on her head. The other one is white/tan in color, her name is Whistle she is 1 year old, she has a pink collar on, and has black spots on her tongue. They’re the same size, medium. They’re most likely together. Please contact Pamela at 331-1215 if you have seen either one of them. A reward will be offered for their return home.