FOUND: Roaming Dog: Pointer/Lab Mix, female, black with white ticking - Yogi Bear Camp-Resort in Kingston, Nova Scotia
Happy Ending: “Rocky” is home safe and sound after Dad read the poster at Yogi Bear Campground. Yeah!! Thanks to everyone that shared the info and to those that took such good care of this sweetie! Yippee!!!
Yesterday there were two loose dogs running through the campground, the Yogi Bear Camp-Resort in Kingston, Nova Scotia. They were very skitterish, but we managed to get one of them.
I called the Animal Control again and gave them the tag # and they tried to contact the listed owner to no avail. I would describe her as black and white ticked, and her name is Samona but she doesn’t appear to respond to that name at all.
She is a young adult Pointer/Lab Mix we are guessing, perhaps a German Short Haired Pointer and Lab. Leather collar. Very sweet and friendly and gets along with all the other pets.
If you recognize this dog or know of anyone looking for a lost dog of this description please contact us immediately. Thank you for your help.