LOST DOG: Breeze: Husky, female, black with white, blue eyes, 8 months old - RR#3, Lunenburg Area, NS
UPDATE: Happy Ending: Breeze is home safe n’ sound. Thanks to the persistence of her owners, posters etc led to leads… and these leads led to Breeze being found. Details to follow in the future. Thanks to every that helped in finding Breeze by spreading the word. So happy for Breeze, her sister, and family.
Update: June 13/11– Breeze is still lost. Let’s spread the word even further as this girl could have been picked up or is still running free. Thanks so much!
LOST DOG: May 30/11 Lunenburg NS area. Breeze is an 8 month old black
female husky with white chest and legs and blue eyes. She went missing while on a walk on the farm. Please phone